I would much rather you didn't.
I don't agree.
I think this guy Mussolini
is a loser.
Are we ever going to make love?
It has been three months...
and the board wishes
to examine the patient.
Dr. Fletcher says Zelig isn't
ready to leave the premises.
The doctors agree
to visit him there.
The date is set--
four days hence.
If progress is insufficient...
she will be removed
from the case.
I was very nervous
because in his waking state...
he never remembered anything
from his trance state...
and I wondered
if there could be some way...
of locking
these two things together.
And then I also was worried...
that if he was
with strong personalities...
he might lose his personality.
Sunday at noon,
the doctors arrive.
They are greeted
by Eudora Fletcher...
and Leonard Zelig and are shown
around the grounds.
Though Dr. Fletcher
is tense and alert...
Leonard Zelig seems calm
and at ease.
Despite the fact that he
is surrounded by physicians...
he does not turn into one.
The encounter appears to be
a resounding success...
when Dr. Henry Mayerson
comments innocently...
about the weather,
saying that it is a nice day.
Zelig tells Dr. Mayerson
that he does not agree...
that it is a nice day.
Dr. Mayerson is taken aback...
at the firmness
of Zelig's conviction.
He points out that the sun
is shining and that it is mild.
Zelig, trained to voice his own
personal opinions fearlessly...
is too aggressive.
He has been molded too far
in the other direction.
He has become
and cannot brook any
disagreement with his own views.
I'd taken him too far
in the other direction.