I've been playing injured.
They know, but they don't
want to pay me off.
I think that's what their
position's gonna be.
Their position's fucked.
I'll go to the Players' Association.
You could do that, but listen.
What happens if the Outlaws prove
that you're perfectly fine?
They've got film when you're
in practice, games.
They're gonna fight for
a long, long time.
Steve, look.
I'm having money problems, man.
I'm broke.
Did you spend every cent
you ever made?
Let me think for
just a second here.
I should get you a low-interest loan
to tide you over.
-Excuse me--
-Could you wait, please?
I'll talk to these guys,
see if I can soften their position...
...and get you something so
it's not a hassle.
Excuse me, Mr. Kirsch.
The reception?
Mr. Caxton's waiting.
Right, I forgot. I gotta go.
I gotta know about this soon.
I'll get on it first thing.
You're one of my first players, huh?
Mike Hogan and his wife, Susan.
Ben Cassidy.
Thank you for coming.
Here's Hal Schumacher's number.
Call him. He's a nice man.
Do they always get bombed
at the end of the day?
It's business down there.
It's an intimate fundraiser.
What do you mean?
Mr. Caxton has assessed every lawyer...
...$1 500 to contribute to the
reelection of Councilman Weinberg.
Mrs. Wyler is Caxton's
biggest client, isn't she?