
It's entirely new.
The people will go mad for it.

I have scenes...
The end of Act Il, for example.
It starts as a duet.
A husband and wife quarreling.

Suddenly, the scheming maid comes in.
It's a very funny situation.

Duet turns into trio.
Then the husband's valet comes in.
Trio turns into quartet.
Then a gardener.
Quartet becomes quintet.

And so on, on and on.
Sextet, septet, octet.
How long do you think
I can sustain that?

I have no idea.
Guess, Your Majesty.
Imagine the longest time
it could be sustained, then double it.

:05:55 minutes?
- Eight minutes?
- Twenty, sire. Twenty minutes!

Twenty minutes of continuous music.
No recitatives!

Sire, only opera can do this.
In a play, if more than one person
speaks at once...

:06:15's just noise.
But with opera, with music...
:06:20 can have 20 individuals
all talking at the same time.

It's not noise.
It's a perfect harmony!

Mozart, music is not the issue here.
No one doubts your talent. It's your
literary judgment that's in question.

Even with the politics taken out,
it would still remain a vulgar farce.

Why waste your spirit on such rubbish?
Surely you can choose more
elevated themes.

What does that mean, elevated?

I am fed to the teeth with these...
...elevated things. Old dead legends.
Why must we go on forever
writing of gods and legends?
