Because they do.
They go on forever.
At least what they represent:
the eternal in us.
Opera is here to ennoble us, Mozart.
You and me,
just the same as His Majesty.
"Bello, bello, bello. "
Come on now, be honest!
You'd rather listen to your hairdresser
than Hercules, Horatius or Orpheus.
People so lofty, they sound
as if they shit marble!
Govern your tongue, Mozart!
How dare you!
Forgive me, Majesty.
I'm a vulgar man...
...but I assure you, my music is not.
You are passionate, Mozart...
...but you do not persuade.
Sire, the whole opera is finished.
Do you know how much work
went into it?
His Majesty has been
more than patient, Signore.
How can I persuade if I can't show it?
That will do, Herr Mozart.
Just let me tell you how it begins.
May I just do that, Majesty?
Show you how it begins? Just that?
There's a servant on his knees.
Do you know why?
Not from oppression.
He's measuring a space.
Do you know what for?
His bed. His wedding bed.