What anger?
About the ballet.
What ballet?
Excuse me...
...but didn't His Majesty specifically
forbid the ballet in his opera?
- Herr Mozart!
- Yes?
- A word with you.
- Certainly, Herr Direktor.
Now, Herr Mozart!
Five minutes, please.
Five minutes!
Do you not know that His Majesty has
expressly forbidden ballet in operas?
- It's not a ballet, it's a dance.
- Exactly. A dance.
Surely, His Majesty didn't mean
no dancing when it's in the story.
It's dangerous to interpret his
edicts. Give me your score, please.
Thank you.
What are you doing, Herr Direktor?
Taking out what you should
never have put in.
Please. Please!
I have no one else to turn to.
- What is it?
- It's unbelievable.
The direktor has torn up
a huge section of my music.
They say I have to rewrite the opera.