It's not indecent.
It's highly moral, Majesty.
It's full of proper German virtues.
Excuse me, Majesty, but what
do you think these could be?
Being a foreigner, I'd love to learn.
Well, tell him, Mozart.
Name us a German virtue.
- Love, sire.
- Oh, love!
Of course, in Italy
we know nothing about love.
No, I don't think you do.
Watching Italian opera,
all those male sopranos screeching...
...stupid, fat couples rolling their eyes
about. That's not love. It's rubbish!
Majesty, you choose the language.
I'll set it to the finest music
ever offered a monarch.
Well, there it is.
Let it be German.
This is yours.
Keep it.
It's already here in my head.
What? On one hearing only?
I think so, sire. Yes.
Show us.
The rest is just the same, isn't it?
That doesn't really work, does it?
Did you try...?
Shouldn't it be a bit more...?