All I ever wanted
was to sing to God.
He gave me that longing...
...and then made me mute. Why?
Tell me that.
If he didn't want me
to praise him with music...
...why implant the desire...
...like a lust in my body?
And then deny me the talent?
Madame Cavalieri is here
for her lesson, sir.
How do you like it?
It's Turkish.
My hairdresser said everything
this year's going to be Turkish.
Does he?
What else did he tell you today?
Come, come! Give me some gossip.
Well, I heard you met "Herr Mozart".
News travels fast in Vienna.
And he's been commissioned
to write an opera. Is it true?
- Yes.
- Is there a part in it for me?
- No.
- How do you know?
- Do you know where it's set, my dear?
- Where?
In a harem.
- What's that?
- A brothel.
Let's begin.
- What does he look like?
- Mozart?
- You might be disappointed.
- Why?
Looks and talent don't always
go together, Katerina.
Looks don't concern me, maestro.