You'll really like these. I have a couple
of pairs myself. They fit very nice.
I don't think your brother did such a good job
of fixing the dressing-room doors.
Whaddaya mean? They look great!
- You don't see a problem here?
- Not really.
No? Maybe it's just me.
Debbie, I don't believe you!
I am your friend and you don't even tell me!
Bobbi, what is going on?
I just heard from O'Neill.
Oh, God, I'm so excited!
- What's happening?
- Debbie's marrying Rick!
- Really?
- Really.
Oh, my gosh!
Oh, my gosh! You're actually marrying Rick!
- Wait a minute. Does Cole know about this?
- You went with him for two years!
No. And he won't leave me alone.
And your parents can't be
too thrilled about this.
No, as far as they're concerned,
the only good Rick is a dead Rick.
But I've made my decision,
and we're gonna do it.
I don't believe it! Mrs Rick Gassko!
You're getting married...
Seems like only yesterday
I showed ya how to give a blow job.
I'll give you a different kind of high
No, I'm not like the rest of the boys
I'm from Decatur, Illinois
And I am suave, debonair
I got this boss, curly dark black hair
And I like how you run... baby!
Because you never say maybe