I like you...
Oh, shit!
Well, hey, the meal is just about ready,
so it's time for spice...
Yes, it's spice time, and the lucky spice is...
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You've
made me the happiest spice in the world!
It's a veritable UN for dinner here,
so Swedish meatballs!
Ah! Vino!
A little vino... would be keeno!
I want some wine!
What meal would be complete
without a little dead meat?
Yes, America's favorite food:
Dead animal flesh.
All the burners are occupied at this time,
so I'm just gonna have to improvise here.
- Hi, babe!
- Hi!
- What are you doing?
- Just welding up a little dinner, that's all.
It's you!
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
- God, you're a slob!
- Yeah, but I'm a fabulous cook.
Yeah? And what are we having?
Well, it's either Swiss steak, meat loaf...
I dunno. Charred flesh of some sort.
- Why don't we name it after we eat?
- Good idea.
Mr Chef? Your vegetables are on fire.
Oh! Hey! It's OK. It's all right.
It's broccoli flambé. It's supposed to do that.
Just a little tricky, that's all. Guess I put in
a little too much nuclear waste, huh?
- Wanna hear something great?
- You betcha.
Bobbi and Phoebe are gonna throw me
a shower. It's gonna be so much fun!