You wouldn't hurt your own brother,
would you?
Hey! I've changed my mind! I don't need
a blood test. I'm not even gonna get married.
- The wedding is off, chief.
- Bear. Chicken, chicken, chicken!
You were always sneaky, Stan.
You were always very, very sneaky.
Hey, you ready for this big party?
I understand that the guys have some
fascinating women lined up for you.
A bevy of...
Keep your voice down.
I've got the wife in the other room.
Uh, Stan...
Stan, is this supposed to be like this?
No, that's incorrect.
I can't understand you getting married.
Do you have any idea what you're giving up?
Any idea? An inkling?
Everything! Wild parties.
Running around like a maniac.
Women every night. Nakedness. Gone!
I miss that so much, Ricky.
Stan, you're beginning to depress me.
Oh, well,
maybe you'll feel just a little better after this.
Easy. Easy. And hold.
Oh, that's a fair trade.
A cotton ball for all my blood.
OK, Ricky, all finished.
Hey, I'm really looking forward
to this bachelor party.
Whatever you do, you don't say nothin'
to Tina, OK? She'll kill me.
- Who don't you say nothin' to?
- Tina?
Tina. OK.
Don't screw me up.
I told her I'm going to a plasma convention.
Oh, well, that's brilliant.
Hi, Tina!
Rick! Mr Goldsmith, this is my brother-in-law.
He's getting married.
Nurse, take over.
I am so happy for you!
That's great. I'm glad. Thanks.
Listen, I gotta run. I gotta make sure
the guys have got the hookers!