Well, there you go, ma'am.
End of the line. Last stop.
I have a great idea. Why don't I just
pal around with you guys for a while?
No, no, no. We have some manly things we
have to do, and this is no place for a woman.
- Are you sure you don't want me to go?
- How about "no"?
I don't wanna go!
you promised me no screwing around.
- I won't! I swear on my mother's grave.
- Your mother's not dead.
Well, if I go back on my word, I'll kill her.
Have a good time.
Don't have a great time.
You catch my drift, Mr Traditional Guy?
Hmm, yeah, I understand.
And you have a fun shower. Use soap.
I love you.
And I love you.
Come on, Rick! Party!
Presidents have stayed in this suite.
It's gorgeous!
What presidents?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing. Nothing. Let's get crazy.
- When do the girls show up?
- Gary is taking care of that right now.
All right. I think I've got
just what you're looking for.
Margot! Darleen!
These are twins of pleasure.
Wow! Twins!
They're gonna be just fine. Just fine.
Hi, ladies.
Maybe after the orgy tonight we can get
together, have a cup of coffee or somethin'?