Come on, come on!
A man whom we affectionately
call Peckerhead!
Oh, my God, our dad is here.
It's your childhood chum and mine,
Brad Mollen!
That Peckerhead! Where is he?
Guys! Guys!
For the last time, I'm telling you
to get off of there!
Off! Off!
Holy shit!
Dr Stan!
Hi, Brad.
Rick! Oh, Rick! Rick!
- Medically speaking?
- Yeah.
Whacked out of his brains on drugs.
I love you guys! This is great!
This is beautiful!
I love it! I love it!
How you been?
Oh, I couldn't be better. This is the best.
This is great. I love this. This is the best.
I'm having the best time.
I love you guys! I love everybody!
- How's your wife?
- I hate her. I hate her guts.
The bitch!
I've got this. You wanna share this?
Oh, gee, two on a Quaalude. That's bad luck.
OK, let's go, guys. Come on, Brad.
Listen, you and your wife
got problems, Brad?
No. No. Cos I love you guys.
I love my friends. I love everybody!
I just wanna party!
- Just where do you guys think you are?
- The Library of Congress?