Beverly Hills Cop

l got thrown out of a window, man!
Gun, partner!
Sir, you're under arrest.
You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say will be used
against you in court.

You have the right
to have an attorney.

l understand the rights.
This is bullshit.
l got thrown out of a window.

- Get in the car.
- What's the charge?

Possession of a concealed weapon
and disturbing the peace.

l got thrown out of a window!
What's the charge for getting
pushed out of a car, jaywalking?

This is bullshit!
You know, this is the cleanest and
nicest police car l've ever been in.

lt's nicer than my apartment.
Officers, if we see any movie stars
could you point them out to me?

That's enough talking.
OK, that's cool.
This is nice.
lt's about time. l thought
you'd forgot me. l was hungry.

l've never seen a cell with a phone.
Could l stay cos l ordered pizza?

Somebody'll eat it.
Have a seat right over there, please.
l'm Sergeant Taggart and this
is my partner, Detective Rosewood.

Do you always treat visitors
from out of town like this?
