Beverly Hills Cop

Your dick is supposed to get hard.
That's the whole object.

Taggart's dick is hard,
but he won't say. He's the boss.

Boss's dick got to stay limp.
l ain't on duty
so my dick can be hard.

Taggart, look. l found that
at Maitland's warehouse.

- Billy! Give her this.
- No.

Stuff that in her thing.
She'll go nuts.

Excuse me.
- What do you think?
- Coffee grounds. So?

You guys don't know nothing
about nothing, do you?

Make sure we get the right drinks.
l drink club soda, l'll throw up.

Thank you so much.
Thank you very much.

- She likes you.
- Think so?

No doubt.
Taggart... See that guy
over there in the black coat?

- Black jacket?
- Yeah.

lt's June.
lsn't it hot for a long leather coat?

- Yeah, a little.
- Yeah.

Look at his partner.
They just came in.

Something's getting ready to go down.
- Go and cover that guy.
- What's going on?

l'll check out this asshole at the
bar. Billy will make sure l behave.

Will somebody tell me
what's going on?

No bullshit this time.
Just sit tight, Billy.
