
Strange, huh?
Jumping and twisting,
like he was trying to escape.

You sure can't blame him for that.
No one is, sergeant.
He wouldn't like being cooped up here.
What do you suppose impels him
into these strange positions?

Like what?
Like this...
cringing position.
Was there any psychological trouble
before he was in the military?

How close were you?
We was real good buddies.
Pretty close.

Very close?
We weren't queer for one another
or anything like that.

We were normal, crazy Philly kids.
How crazy?
You ever been to Philly, sir?
You have to be pretty crazy
to live there.

I don't understand yet
what's brought him to this.

You got any ideas?
He got drafted.
All wars have
their casualties, sergeant...

and the Army takes care
of their own.

Certainly took care of me, doctor.
Major, sergeant.
Major, sir.
I know that this is difficult
for you at this time.

And I know it's hard for you
to come here like this.

How does your face feel?
It's okay.
No problems?
The bandages are a little hard
to get used to, sir.

When the doctor...
The major...

said one of the things they
had to do was give me a steel jaw...

l thought, "Great!
A steel jaw!

Maybe I'll be the next La Motta."
Turns out, a punch could knock
the pins into my brain...

so it's worse than a glass jaw.
It's pretty funny, huh?
A lot of people wouldn't think so.
Aren't you concerned?

Sure, kind of.
You know what would be
a good idea, Alfonso?

- Al.
- It might be helpful...

if you visited your friend now.
It's important that
I make some progress soon.

Ronsky? Send Renaldi in here.
