You'll like Renaldi, Alfonso.
He's Italian too.
What's going on here?
Occupational therapy.
Some genius at Boeing thought it up.
Who better to sort out
the nuts than nuts, right?
- What do you do here?
- Pretty much everything.
Mostly I help take care
of the patients.
I take them for walks,
read them the funnies...
blow their noses,
change the bedpans...
wheel them into the TV room.
Stuff like that.
How'd you get that shitty job?
They bust you?
I'm a conscientious objector.
You're kidding.
An Italian conscientious objector?
That's right.
Hi, Ned. Nice day.
Ned's elevator doesn't go
up to the top floor.
Combat stress. He's quiet today.
Normally, he's throwing shit
against the walls.
Here he is.
I'll be back soon, and
I'll take you to your bunk.
They have you in with me.
Take it easy.
Hey, Birdy.
Is this for real, or what?
If this is some act you cooked up to
get out of Nam, it worked.
You can stop now.
Come on, Birdy.
It's me under all these bandages.
It's Al.
Maybe I'll get into
something crazy myself.
Can't you see it?