
But I saw a guy at Dix
who they also said would be fine.

And he had a face like
a medium-rare cheeseburger.

I'm scared I won't recognize
who I'm shaving in the morning.

Jesus, Birdy, what happened to you?
That fat-gut shrink,
he wants me to jog up your brain...

by getting you to remember
the things we did together.

Did we jack one another off?
Stuff like that.

I don't trust that guy.
Everything's too interesting to him.
So what do you want to talk about?
Maybe we should talk about
one of the 85 million times...

we tried to find where your mother
hid the goddamn baseballs.

Okay, you don't like that one.
Remember that statue of Billy Penn
on top of City Hall?

How, from certain angles,
it looked like he had a hard-on?

And how we used to stand there
with the pigeons?

Every time some old lady would walk by,
we'd point at Billy Penn.

They'd look up, and they'd see
Billy with his dong sticking up.

Do you need a hand?
What are you doing here?
I'm his friend.
The doctor brought me.

Now I remember.
- What's your name?
- Columbato, Al.
