It's all here, the whole thing,
how he fell off the gas tank.
There's a picture showing where he
jumped and an "X" where he landed!
I don't want to hear any more!
Not birds, not nothing!
You can start now...
by cleaning the pigeon shit
off the front porch.
Face it, we're out of
the pigeon business.
- They ain't coming back.
- They'll come back, they were homed.
What kind of home is it when
your witch of a mom chops it up...
and chases the birds away?
It's home to them.
It's not the lumber and nails.
It's the place.
I got to tell you something.
But you have to promise
not to go ape-shit on me.
Do you promise?
You're right.
Those birds kept coming back.
Your mom puts down poison
and knocks off half of them.
But those blue bars get smart
and still keep coming back.
So she calls Mr. Solari.
Mr. Solari, the poultry guy?
Yeah, the butcher.
That guy would dress his mother
as a chicken...
if he got 69 cents a pound.
He must've taken them.
They ain't been back since.
No, you don't get it, Al.
Those blue bars saw Solari.
That's why they didn't come back.
You're wrong!
Solari bagged them.
They're dead!
Plucked and fucked!
You don't understand birds, Al.
I got an idea for something else
we can go partners on.
You know that old Ford
at the junkyard?
Yeah, okay.
It's a good thing those blue bars
recognized Solari, huh?
Pigeons ain't stupid, Al!