Not yet.
But it will.
- How'd it get here?
- We pushed it.
- It's a piece of shit.
- Thank you.
Don't use any of my tools.
No, sir.
You'll have to register that
before you sell it.
How, Mr. Columbato?
You wait till you're old enough.
- Maybe I'll do it for you.
- That'd be great, Dad.
Fucking garbageman!
Come on, sister!
All right.
Well, now!
Top down!
There she goes!
We're doing 80 on the expressway.
Look for 76 and the Walt Whitman.
Watch out for cops.
We need quarters for the toll.
No, I'll drive straight through.
It's not my fault you left
the gate down!
Yeah, you too, motherfucker!
Watch out!
That was a close one.
We're just driving.
Where we going?
Where else? The ocean.
I've never been there.
You're kidding.
This is great!
It's like flying in thick air!
Are we going to go see the boardwalk
and pick up some chicks?