Damn cats are driving me crazy!
I'll get a BB gun and pop them off.
They'll give the birds a heart attack,
scaring them all day.
Let's get this door closed
so they don't get out here.
That's it.
You know my mother.
And that's Mr. Tate.
He's deaf.
He doesn't hear anything.
He loves the birds singing,
like Beethoven.
I said you're like Beethoven.
You like that one, huh?
She's a good-looker, all right.
But don't go for flyers when
you're looking for a good breeder.
Come on, honey.
Come here.
Don't you want to eat?
She's a pretty one,
but won't notice any of the daddies.
She's a heartbreaker.
So particular!
Rhett and Ashley can't get near her.
It sure ain't like in the movie.
I don't let them mate
more than one at a time.
No brothers and sisters.
It ain't right.
Says so in the Bible.
Mr. Tate...
lets them all in together,
like a Roman orgy.
Ain't natural.
Here's Melanie.
Come here, Melanie.
The first day I saw Perta...
l knew she was special.
The way she took to the air...
Iike it was hers.
She likes you.
Don't get taken in
'cause she's a flyer.
Melanie here, she's a darling bird.
Every bit as pretty.
No, I'll take this one.
You can't do anything about it.