He sold it before he ever
told me about it.
At least we got
what we paid for the car.
I'll give you my share.
We can use it for your ornithopter.
I don't care about the money.
It's the principle of the thing.
The only principle is my old man
does whatever he wants.
Do you want me to pin him?
I wish I could, but I can't!
We're going to get it back.
Are you crazy? Suicidal?
He doesn't even like you.
He'll break your neck.
I don't care.
It's our car.
You can't do this.
You know what he's like.
I tell you, he'll kill you!
Jesus, sometimes you're
so full of shit!
All right, but you're on your own.
I'm not going with you.
I don't want blood
splattered all over me.
- I want the car back.
- What do you mean?
- You got your money!
- You had no right to sell it!
It's worth more than the money!
It belongs to us.
We didn't want to...!
That car was in my name.
I'll sell it to whoever.
Would you get out of here?
I'm trying to read my paper.
Tell me the man's name
who thinks he bought it...!
Get out of here. I'll call the cops!
I was about to do that myself!
I'd like to report a stolen car!
Are you calling me
a crook in my own house?!
Are you crazy?!
Are you trying to say
I stole that junk heap?!
Don't embarrass me
in front of my family!
You sold something that wasn't yours!
Give me the man's name
who thinks he bought it!
I'll tell him you made a mistake!
I sold the car to a friend
of my brother-in-law!
This guy is not
giving you the car back!
You mess around with him and you'll
wind up in a concrete shirt...
at the bottom of the river!
I don't want to go to the police...
but I got a receipt of purchase
from Mr. Russo...
at the junkyard!
You think it's yours
because you registered it for us.
It's legally ours because
you don't got no proof-of-purchase!
Why do you want to be a hard-nose for?
I can't get you the car back...
even if I wanted to!
- So tell me his name!
Shut up, you skinny bucket of piss!
You're not worth going
to jail for, for murder.