Hey, pretty.
Come here.
How do you do that?
Your mother said enough for tonight.
It's almost 3 o'clock.
I'm working on my ornithop...
Come on, enough's enough!
We're supposed to be asleep!
Tell him.
You're his father.
Come on, son.
Leave the bird alone.
Then the bird's feather.
It has a hollow shaft, with
feeders for blood circulation.
On either side are branches, barbs...
which branch into barbules...
which have little barbicels
with hooks on the end of them.
It can all be pulled apart,
like a zipper.
And then re-zipped.
A bird runs its beak
through its feather...
re-zipping feathers
that have come apart.
Flying is much more than flapping wings.
A bird can flap its wings
and not move an inch.
When it wants to fly...
the slightest flicker
sends it up to the sky.
You must feel that air has substance
and can hold you up.