I don't hurt
your feelings?
Nah. I've always been
a team player.
It is better
making love to someone
when you're not married.
Let's you be
a little kinky.
What is kinky?
I'll show you
in a minute...
well, or 2.
Those are the guys I knew
were standing in line
who would've guessed
that she was already mine?
Though I don't dance
and heaven knows
I'm not that bright
but still
I'm doing something right
yeah, baby?
Ba dap bap buh dappa dap?
Jennifer. You're up.
Did I wake you?
I had to do something.
You're not sick,
are you?
What is it,
your stomach?
Did you eat something?
You caught a cold,
didn't you?
I told you
your hair was wet.
Daddy, did you have
a good time?
Well, good night,
Good night.
Why in the world
she chose me
I'll never know
now every guy
who knows me
envies me so...?
I'll never forget
the way he felt.
The way
we felt.
Nothing's perfect, though.
It'll take a month
To get all the sand
Out of my bellybutton.
Ready to hear
about last night?
First of all,
her name is isabella,
which has to be portuguese
for "perpetual motion."
It was fantastic.
Where'd you wind up?
Aha. You got milk all over
your whiskers, pussycat.
Who was the lucky girl?
Where'd you meet her?
I didn't meet anybody.
Ok, ok.
We'll talk at breakfast.
I want to know
all the details about her.
You can start at the bottom
if you like.