You love me!
The flowers
didn't come back.
You love me.
I want to tell
the whole world!
I'm so happy.
The flowers didn't come back.
You love me!
You love me!
You love me!
Jennifer, for god's sake.
What's this?
It means you're mine.
You know what love
really is?
It's like you swallowed
a great big secret.
A warm,
wonderful secret
that nobody else
knows about.
And that's
how it should be.
Other times, though,
it's more like a song.
A song you want to sing
at the top of your voice
for everyone to hear.
Uh, no, no, no.
It's more like a secret.
Believe me, it is better
as a secret than a song.
I've never called you
Matthew before.
No uncle.
Just plain Matthew
do you love me,
I do.
Secretly but honestly.
No more secrets.
You have t
o tell daddy
I can't!
It would kill him
if he didn't
kill me first.
What's killing is
you can feel one way
and love another.
There is just no way
we can bring this
out into the open.
Who would understand?
I'm not sure I do.
It's over, Jennifer.
It has to be.
I won't let it be.
Lunch, everyone!
It was
just what I needed-
a one-inch god
with a 2-inch penis.
Are you all right?