Oh, those people's
There's something else.
You're pregnant.
Illegitimate pregnancy.
It's something you think
only happens to the other guy.
I'm not pregnant.
I'm on the pill.
I thought I told you
not to use the pill.
Is that how you
listen to me?!
Thank god you don't
listen to me.
Well, look, what's
done is done, right?
So, uh...
tell me about him.
What's his name?
Who is he, um,
some kid like you
just out of diapers?
He's older
oh, an older guy.
What, 19, 20?
You made love
to a man of 43?
It's not that old.
It's obscene.
Believe me.
I'm that old,
and it's obscene!
It was beautiful!
Oh, yeah?
And now what...
what's the next beautiful
thing that happens?
You go right from
beautiful to nothing.
Now why is that?
Because he's married.
Close, you bastard, close.
He's married?
I'll tell you
what else he is.
He's dead!
I love him, daddy!
My poor baby.
Just tell me
who he is.
That's all I want to know.
Who is he, Jennifer?
It doesn't matter.
It's over.
Where are you going?
Sao Paulo.
I- I have to.
Something came up.
You can't.
I'll be back,
but I have to go first.
I need you.
I couldn't refuse.
I- I was his best friend,
and he needed my help.