but when you're my age,
do you know what I'll be?
Dead, I suppose.
Dead and a half.
Chaplin and picasso married
much younger women.
Who, in turn, became
much younger widows.
I'd rather spend a few years
with the man I love
than a lifetime
with someone I don't.
Well, if you're
going to use logic
I'll lose my advantage
I like it when you
treat me like a woman.
I mean, outside of bed.
Eat your meat.
So much for
that treatment.
Don't you know any boys
your own age you like?
I don't like boys.
You would if you
gave them a chance
you said hello
to him before.
He looks a decent sort.
The kind that calls
your father "sir"
and tries to chew
the rivets off your jeans?
Age doesn't matter.
I'm going to die young anyway.
Iook how short
my life line is.
That's all rubbish
I practically don't
have one at all.
That's not your life line.
That's your heart line.
Teeny little thing,
isn't it?
You used to hold my hand
before we were lovers.
See how it works?
He's 19. is that
what you had in mind?
19 is perfect.
I've been 19 a couple
of times myself.
Do you really
want me to?
Go ahead.
He was just what
I said she needed.
Young, uninvolved,