You've got to act!
Fuck the fear.
You've got to cry out for help!
Come on!
Use your body!
Cry for help!
You can do it.
I want you to cry out.
I can't. I'm a sardine.
Sardines in a can are dead.
They can't feel.
They can't be afraid.
But you're alive and afraid.
You're not a goddamn dead sardine!
- This is crap.
- Dig down deep!
Cry out!
- I can't.
- Come on.
Leave the guy alone.
Do not interrupt this exercise.
This looks like
a mind-fuck to me.
What is your name? You're not
a member of this class, are you?
That's right. I'm not.
I thought this was a class for acting,
not humiliation.
What gives you the right
to fuck around with this guy's head?
- I think you better leave.
- I think that's a good idea.
I want to act.
Come on.
Class is out.
Come on. Let's go.
I'm sorry, Will.
I can't do this today.
This is called an exit.
What a fool I am.
You're too hard on yourself.
Some of these guys
can't get a job.
They put an ad in the trade.
They call themselves teachers.