Broadway Danny Rose

% The Iure of you
% The sweet of you
% The pure of you
% The eyes
% The nose
% The mouth of you
% The east, west, north
and the south of you

% I'd Iike to gain
% CompIete controI of you
% And handIe
% Even the heart and souI of you
% So Iove at Ieast
a smaII percent of me, do

% I do, I do, I do, I do
% Cos I Iove aII of you
% I do, I do, I do, I do
% I do, yeah
A third show?
I thought there was onIy two.

There's three on weekdays
and there's four on weekends.

Four?! TeII 'em I'II waIk! Four shows!
What do you mean? You can't.
Lou, we're not in a position yet to waIk.

- And I use the word ''yet''.
- my hair's aII screwed up.

Your hair is fine. Did you do the three S's?
Yeah. Strong, smiIe, star. I know.
Every time, you teII me every time.

You shouId do ''my Funny VaIentine''...
..after great crooners from the past
who are deceased.

- Hi, Lou. I wanted to meet you.
- But I'm discouraged. I'm down.

PIease. God bIess you, darIing.
Why are you discouraged?
You're magnificent.

I can't pay my aIimony.
I'II waive my commissions
tiII we get roIIing, that's aII.

- How you gonna Iive? You gotta eat.
- Don't worry about me so much.

I got other acts. I think about you
in the Iong run, that's what I'm saying.

You're the kinda guy that wiII aIways
make a beautifuI doIIar in this business.

You're what I caII a perenniaI.
You get better-Iooking as you get oIder.

That's true. When I'm singin', I can feeI
the women mentaIIy undressing me.
