I knew you'd get miffed about it,
you'd get bugged because of my wife.
But, Danny, Tina, she's beautifuI.
- She's Iike a madonna.
- I beIieve you.
- She knows you're married?
- I IeveIIed with her.
So what kinda woman is she?
I tried to introduce you to her for a
Iong time, but I knew you wouIdn't have it.
I've aIways tried to teach you, Lou,...
..that sooner or Iater you're gonna
have to square yourseIf with the big guy.
Is that true? You're gonna
pay your dues someday.
You're a married man. Take my aunt
Rose, not a beautifuI woman at aII.
She Iooked Iike something
you buy in a Iive-bait store.
She had wisdom. She used to say ''You
can't ride two horses with one behind.''
So you see what I'm sayin'?
That's my point.
OK, now a little time passes.
Danny's still struggling with the various
bird acts and the blindxylophone player.
Suddenly the nostalgia craze
is starting to build.
And Danny finds
he can book Lou a little easier.
% You may be king
% You may possess the worId
% And aII of its goId
% Oh, but goId won't bring you happiness
% When you're growing oId
% Oh, the worId, it's stiII the same...
he's working these nostalgia cruises
and the audience is eating it up.
Suddenly an over-the-hill boy singer
is starting to get some attention.
% They shine high above...
And l am very honoured to announce that
one ofAmerica's great singing legends,...
..a cherished musical legend,
is making part ofhis comeback...
..on the Joe Franklin TV Show.
l hope my enthusiasm is generating,
cos l love this man.
l mean, ifyou can love a man,
l love Lou Canova. Lou.
- Thank you, Joe. You're very kind.
- l mean that. Are you sort of...
l've been on the show three, four times
and itjust helps.
l mean, it helps everybody.
You're New York. What can l tell ya?
l always had the feeling that you were
never obsessed to be a superstar.