I'II open with ''VoIare''
or ''You make me FeeI So Young''.
- How are you, darIing?
- Good.
- How oId are you?
- 1 2รป.
- Are you married?
- No.
Fantastic fettucine.
Do ''my Funny VaIentine'' with
the speciaI Iyrics about the moon Ianding.
maybe we oughta put on
a press agent for that week.
I've been gettin' your name
in the coIumns pretty good.
It's not Iike havin' a steady press agent.
You know, steady.
Take him to a movie
or he's gonna be a wreck by showtime.
Great idea for a TV show. mr TeIevision
Iooks at the stars of the '50s.
That week Danny devotes
to Lou exclusively.
They go over the running order
ofhis act 15 times,...
..what colour shirts to wear, his weight -
he wants Lou to lose some pounds.
l don't know who's more nervous,
Lou or Danny.
Meanwhile, his other clients are starting
to complain about their own problems.
I couIdn't get your service. I had a crisis.
A cat ate one of my birds.
I canceIIed the show
and RaIph doesn't wanna pay.
What do you mean, you don't wanna pay?
A cat ate his bird.
That comes under the act-of-God cIause.
- He gets paid if he does his show onIy.
- It was a Iead bird.
Remember Pee Wee,
used to peck ''September Song''?
Pee Wee's gone? Pee...
RaIph, what are you doin'?
Pee Wee has now been eaten by a feIine.
Pee Wee gave us many a Iaugh and tear.
Danny, I don't pay no birds
that don't work.
- Where were you when I needed you?
- Yeah, where were you?
I admit, it's my fauIt.
I've been remiss IateIy.
I've been very busy with another cIient.
After Sunday night you'II have me.
I'II be yours excIusiveIy.
I know how you feeI.
Pee Wee was the son he never had,
so it's, you know...
I promise, after Sunday night,
reaIIy, I'm with you.
(Lou) One, two.
I want you to open with ''You're Nobody
TiII Somebody Loves You''.
And then go into ''my Bambina''...
..and after that do great crooners
from the past who are now deceased.
- And then ''Agita'' if you want.
- WouId you do me a favour tomorrow?
- You name it, you got it.
- I want you to bring Tina.