- Who's Tina?
- I toId you about Tina.
- I'm reaIIy crazy about her.
- I thought I taIked you outta that.
It's no use. I'm Iike a IittIe kid. I'm stiII
sendin' her a white rose every day.
Don't we have enough on our mind?
She's been Iucky for me from the first day
I met her. Good things started happenin'.
Yeah, but Teresa's gonna be there.
You're gonna get in a Iot of troubIe.
That's why you gotta bring her.
You be the beard.
What? I don't wanna be a beard.
Come on. I'm teIIin' ya,
I'II do a great job if she's there.
- Without her I'm gonna be Iost.
- Since when? This is business.
Why are you makin' such a big deaI?
Terry goes home,
then I'II take her off your hands.
When there's peopIe around,
she's with you.
No, it's not nice.
You're gonna wind up in aIimony jaiI.
- I can't function without her. I'm Iost.
- Since when?
Why does she have such a hoId on you?
I don't know what it is about this woman.
I Iove her.
- maybe it's a whoIe mother thing.
- Your mother's aIive. Let me take her.
She gives me confidence. I Iove her.
What do you want me to say?
I'm scared enough as it is.
Jesus, Lou, is this
more serious than I thought?
I haven't had a night's sIeep trying to
figure out what to do with my Iife, OK?
So aII of a sudden I gotta be the beard?
I want her there. I gotta know she's there
and I gotta know she Ioves me.
I can onIy say, as your friend and
your manager, you're a sick individuaI,...
..but if that's what you want,
aII right, we'II do it.