Danny is not meant for water.
So, naturally, the minute
he steps on the boat, he's gone.
A lunch he ate in 1956
is beginning to come up on him.
he's green. he's dizzy.
Tina's fine. She's made ofsteel.
l'll tell you what's going through her mind.
She's thinking ofa conversation
that she and Lou had a week before.
- Hey, hey! AII right!
- Listen, Lou,...
..I don't want you to break up
with your wife because of me. I don't...
Tina, it's not you.
This has been on my mind.
I'd feeI Iike a home-wrecker.
That's what I feeI Iike.
I gotta change my whoIe IifestyIe.
The thing you gotta change
is your management.
Listen, Danny's aII right. So he's
no worId-beater. I mean, he's aII right.
I know nothin' about show business.
And I got nothin' against the guy,...
..but I see the joints you work
and the way things are going.
You're better than aII these new guys.
- You're prejudiced cos you Iike me.
- Yeah, sure I am.
Listen, Danny'd be Iost without me.
He's countin' on me.
You know what you're doin'.
Why don't you Iet me
introduce you to Sid Bacharach?
How do you know him?
Why wouId he give me his time?
He was good friends with my husband.
They were both very tight in AtIantic City.
- Sid Bacharach, huh?
- He's a big guy, right?
Big gun, big gun. No two ways about it.
OK. Now they're in the middle
ofthe hudson River.
The fog has come in. Danny's face is -
what colour should l say?
lt's khaki. The man has a khaki face.
So Tina wanted Lou to leave Danny
and go with Sid Bacharach?
That's exactly what l'm saying.
See, three days earlier...
.. Tina had set up a secret lunch meeting
at some steakjoint in Manhattan.
WeII, guys, we finaIIy made it.
Lou Canova, Sid Bacharach.
- Sid, this is Lou.
- A pIeasure, mr Bacharach. TruIy.
I've onIy heard wonderfuI things
about you from Tina.
- She does that aII the time.
- No. You remember Lou from the '50s.
- He's got it.
- I remember ''Tossin' and Turnin'''.
That thing on ''Perfidia'' too.