He wouId wriggIe and get the whoIe thing
to happen. I saw it a miIIion times.
Hey, hey! HoId it!
- Let's go. Jesus, where the heII are we?
- God.
What is this? This Iooks Iike
some kind of a factory.
- It Iooks Iike a warehouse.
- Yeah. You hear him?
I think he's right behind us.
Let's get outta here.
- (Tina) Jeez, it's so dark.
- Don't panic.
- Looks Iike a Iot of parade fIoats.
- Perfect.
There's a guy with a pistoI running after
us, we're stuck in the macy's Day Parade.
- (Tina) Can you see anyone?
- What's going on? Where the heII are we?
(Danny) Jesus!
(high voice) Don't move
or I'II bIow your brains out!
- (high voice) Don't shoot! I'm just a beard.
- (high voice) You're making a mistake.
(high voice) Don't teII me
you're the beard, you goddamn IittIe rat.
(high voice) Run, Tina, run! He's outta
buIIets! It's our chance! It's our chance!
(high voice) AII right, I'm coming!
(high voice) You IittIe rat! You're never
gonna get outta here! I'II find you.