Did you tab that .45 yet?
How about the 9 mm?
They match?
Croix de Guerre.
French medal of honor.
When Dehl was good,
he was very, very good.
Pretty fancy for the bottom
of a Cracker Jack box.
-I didn't hear you knock.
-What a relief. I thought I was going deaf.
What do you want, Speer?
We ID'd the .45, the 9 mm.
Dub Slack and Primo Pitt.
-Is it enough to nail them?
-Not with their alibi. We need an eyewitness.
That's why you will tell me
when you find Ginny Lee, right?
-What makes you think I'm after Ginny?
-Questions you're asking.
-The places you're asking them.
-Always pushing people around, aren't you?
Always on the prod.
-That's how you do the job, remember?
-You're damn right I remember.
Okay, guys. No clinches, no rabbit punches
and please, no hitting below the belt.
Now shake hands, and at the sound
of the bell, come out slugging.
Anything to drink around here?
We're out of tea. There's some
furniture polish under the sink.
I'll get it.
Why do you both go at each other so hard?
Do you enjoy it?
-One more time and I hang up.
-Who is this?
-It's me, Ginny Lee.
You all right, kid?
Where are you?