- One more time and I hang up.
- Mike?
- Who is this?
- It's me, Ginny Lee.
You all right, kid?
Where are you?
Mike, I got trouble.
Can you meet me?
- Where?
- The park. You know, the pavilion?
Sick friend.
Mike had to take off.
- He's good at that.
- Yeah.
- Care for a drink?
- Sure, why not?
Thanks, lieutenant.
- Really is furniture polish.
- Yeah.
Shocking what Prohibition
forces people to drink.
So we're back to lieutenant, huh?
- It's what you are, right?
- Yeah.
First, last, always,
seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
Look, I'm sorry about the other night.
That wasn't too good.
Forget about it.
I better go.
- What?
- I've gotta go.
- Someday I'll figure it out.
- What?
Mike's not the only one around here
who's good at taking off.