All right, I'm gonna go now, kid.
It's gonna be okay.
Call Speer.
Hey, you're running the wrong way.
- Evening.
- Yeah.
Boy, it's so cold tonight
it makes you want to be a boilermaker.
And how the hell would you know?
Because I was pounding a beat
when you were still peeing your pants.
I used to freeze my ass off
right on the same street.
So many times I thought about
becoming a boilermaker.
See, I was a hotshot like you.
Didn't have any respect for the badge
or the uniform.
I got my own business now.
Know what I'm doing?
I'm still freezing my ass off...
...and taking a lot of flack
from a snot-nosed rookie like you.
- I'm sorry.
- Ain't we all.
- You know 10th Street?
- Used to be my beat.
Are there any athletic clubs
around there?
- Gymnasiums?
- Riverside Athletic on Broad Street.