City Heat

This could put Coll away forever and
change Pitt from Mr. Two to Mr. One.

- Mike. Got some bad news.
- What?

- Caroline's been kidnapped.
- How'd you find out?

Just heard it on the radio.
You know?

Yeah. Yeah, I know.
- And that's not all.
- What?

- Ginny Lee's in City General.
- What?

Speer called, said she was hit by a car.
- Guess I'll go home?
- No! No, no, no, stay.

Furniture polish.
Better call Fat Freddie,
tell him about Ginny.

I already did.
You do good work, kid.
- Hello?
- This is Pitt.

I was just on my way over
to see you, Mr. Pitt.

- I have the goods.
- You better not double-cross me.

Why would I do
a stupid-ass thing like that?

- You do, and she's dead.
- I told you, I'll bring you the goods.

She better be okay.
You don't hear from me by morning,
tell your friend, the cop...

:57:30 drag the river with a magnet.
I know, kid.
Doesn't anybody knock anymore?
