- We have just folded space from lx.
- Yes?
How was your journey?
Many machines on lx.
New machines.
Oh? Yes.
Better than those on Richese.
You are transparent.
I see many things.
I see plans within plans.
I see two great houses,
House Atreides,
House Harkonnen, feuding.
- I see you behind it.
- Yes.
You must share with us.
The Atreides House
is building a secret army...
using a technique unknown to us.
A technique involving sound.
The duke is becoming
more popular in the Landsraad.
He could threaten me.
I have ordered House Atreides
to occupy Arrakis to mine the spice,
thus replacing their enemies,
the Harkonnens.
House Atreides will not refuse
because of the tremendous power
they think they will gain.
Then, at an appointed time,
Baron Harkonnen
will return to Arrakis...
and launch a sneak attack
on House Atreides.
I have promised the baron five legions
of my Sardaukar terror troops.
So the Harkonnens
will rid you of House Atreides.
One small point.
Here it comes.
We ourselves perceive
a slight problem...
within House Atreides.