Kull wahad. No woman child
ever withstood that much.
Take your hand out of the box
and look at it,
young human.
Do it!
Pain by nerve induction.
A human can resist any pain.
Our test is crisis
and observation.
I see the truth of it.
Could he be the one? Maybe.
But will he be
ours to control?
Tell me of your home world, Usul.
Do you know
of the Water of Life?
The bile from the newborn worms
of Arrakis?
- I have heard of it.
- It is very dangerous.
The Bene Gesserit sisterhood
use it to see within.
There is a place
terrifying to us,
to women.
It is said
a man will come,
the Kwisatz Haderach.
He will go
where we cannot.
Many men have tried.
They tried and failed?
They tried and died.
My son lives.
I sense your teachings in him.
Ignore the regular order
of training.
His safety requires the Voice.
I've heard enough of my safety.
What about my father?
I heard your talking.
You speak as if he were dead.
Well, he's not.