Perspiration passes through
the first layer,
and is gathered
in the second,
where salt is separated.
Breathing and walking
provide the pumping action.
The reclaimed water
circulates to catch pockets...
from which you can drink
through this tube...
at your neck.
Urine and feces are processed
in the thigh pads.
Should you be
in the open desert,
remember to breathe in
through your mouth...
and out through
this nose tube.
With a Fremen suit
in good working condition,
Iife can be sustained
for weeks,
even in the deep desert, sire.
My thanks.
With your permission.
- You've worn a stillsuit before.
- No.
Your suit is fitted
desert fashion.
- Who told you how to do that?
- No one.
It seemed the proper way.
That it is.
He shall know your ways
as if born to them.
We're wasting time, sire.
Battle language?
Translate it.
Very faint.
Airspeed: zero five.
Ambient temperature:
300 degrees kelvin.
Airspeed: three zero.