You'd like to escape love, Sylvia.
But l will always be able
to find you.
Love is an eagle, with claws
clutched around our hearts.
Once it has got a good hold,
it will never let go.
Where can l go? Where can
l escape? What shall l do?
How do you forget the face,
the body of someone
who's got such a hold
on your heart?
Wouldn't l have to become
another person? Another woman?
How do you find yourself again
once you've surrendered
both body and soul to a lover?
l hesitated...
l was facing a decision that
would completely change my life.
But when changing to another body,
will all memory be changed as well?
All you are
will be turned upside down.
You'll be sure
to ruin your life, Sylvia.
l'll take the responsibility.
Don't you worry,
my mind's made up.
Are you sure you know what you're
doing? What you're going into?