Emmanuelle 4

We'll start tomorrow morning.

She's so determined that l could not
persuade her to give it up.

She has given you her reasons.
-Yes, she wants to write an article.

ls that her only reason?
Who knows?
Oh, do come in, everybody.

Okay, we'll start
where we left off yesterday.

This should be adjusted.
We'll have to count on two months.

lt depends on the skin
and how supple it is.

As soon as l saw this impressive
body, l was touched.

The shape of this young woman
was extremely seductive.

And at the same time
imbued with a calm beauty.

Although Dr. Santano could only
slightly improve on her beauty,

we may soon see an extraordinarily
beautiful being, a new Eve.

What l wanted was now done.
My destiny was coming together.

l would reappear in this world
in a new body. l would be reborn.
