l have only one wish, Dona:
My freedom.
But you may do as you wish.
-And what if l decide to?
Decide to do what?
-To make love to all of Brazil.
So l offend you.
-No, you don't offend me.
l'm here to listen and help,
not to judge you.
lf you find me pretty, tell me.
l need it, you know.
-Yes, objectively, you're pretty.
What does that mean?
Do you never get involved?
lnstead of answering,
you avoid it every time.
That's not my business.
l'm not here to talk about myself.
We have the same age.
Answer me,
do you find me pretty?
We'll have to go now, come.
l'll take care of your luggage.
My luggage? lt's my past.
l knew what they had done to me.
l understood what she told me.
l had a new body,
so l had a new soul.
Only my memory was the same.