Come, we must leave.
The bestiality of this scene
troubled me. Maybe even excited me.
l was even surprised
at the effect it had on me.
Do you find me pretty?
More or less pretty, desirable.
l would have liked to see her
down in the dirt as well.
Unless she herself
hadn't dragged me down.
lt would be soft and gentle,
in the dirt.
You open your mouth,
spread your legs and your lips.
Let yourself be entered
by this limp tepidity
that so easily mixes
with my own similar feelings.
Little girl, do you know we have
lips down there, and lips up here?
They are the ones we adorn with
the greatest care, and sometimes
while thinking about
the other ones...
Do you feel pretty?
l saw her coming towards me.
Take it off.
l couldn't resist the temptation
of the body offered me.
Maria, is it not fair to say
that dirt is feminine?
l find you attractive.
But l don't love you.
Escaping my love, escaping Marc,
l was now in the wilderness.