We are going to give each one of you ten
young ladies and gentlemen an injection.
Five of these injections will be water.
Five of them will be water mixed with
a tiny amount of a chemical compound
which we call... "lot six".
The exact nature
of this compound is classified
but it is essentially
a hypnotic mild hallucinogenic.
We employ the double-blind method
of administering the compound,
which is to say that neither you nor we
know who has received the clear dose
and who has not.
Until later, that is.
You will be under close supervision
for 48 hours after the experiment.
Are there any questions?
Dr Wanless, is this experiment
being done by The Shop?
Absolutely not.
- Yes?
- When do I get my money?
- "(all)" Right on, man.
- That is important.
Well, immediately after the experiment,
along with all the other students.
I'm broke too.
So, if we may begin
the injections now, please.
Andy McGee.
I'm Vicky Tomlinson. I'm a little nervous
about this, Andy McGee.
- What if I go on a bad trip?
- We'll probably just get distilled water.
"(Wanless)" Feel any pain?
I feel a pressure. It's a bad pressure.
"(Wanless)" It will pass.