They're gonna kill you, Daddy. We have
to run, we have to hide, we have to...
Yes, yes, that's what they wanna do.
They wanna kill you.
Kill you like they did Mommy
and take me away. I won't let it happen.
Holy Jesus Christ. Did she do that?
Charlie, now, watch what you're doing.
Is it too late?
Yes, they're coming up the dirt road now.
Daddy, I'm scared.
Charlie, you can stop them.
If I do something bad,
will you still love me?
Oh, Charlie...
Of course I'll still love you.
I love you more than anything
in the world, no matter what happens.
I got some tall apologising to do.
There's a line of cars coming up the road.
I'll stand with you if you want.
I'll get my deer gun.
You don't need your gun.
Hi, Andy. Hi, Charlie.
- Honey, you don't have to run any more.
- Go away.
Afraid I can't do that, honey.
I have my orders.
No one wants to hurt you or your daddy.
You liar, you're supposed to kill him
and I know it.
I'd advise you do what my daughter says.