
because you're an outsider.
You're dangerous. They're always
gonna worry about ya.

Screw 'em. And this is only one
little corner of the world.

Start Thursday?
Sounds okay.
Oh, hi, Ariel.
Chuck Cranston wants to see you.
Meet him the back
of his daddy's field tomorrow...

What happens tomorrow at 5:30?
- You'll have to show up to find out.
- And if I don't?

People will know you're scared.
Anyway, Chuck will find you.
You want that?
You're backing up!
Hey, yo!
How come he sent you?
I volunteered.
MacCormack, where the hell are you?
You know her?
So she tells me...
that I pissed Chuck off, right?
So he wants to see me.
Then she walks away.

He figured you were gonna chicken
and never... Impressive.

Kinda out of it.
I had to go to work last year.
You still move it.
You better watch that. Ariel's gonna
tell her pop and you're gonna burn.

What's her story?
Is she really tough or what?

She's just trying to make people
forget she's a preacher's kid.
