Yesterday I was very busy.
Returned very late.
What job?
None other than Swadeshi.
No Mukhi.
- Then what?
Days of comfort have
come to an end almost.
Cannot stay at one place
for a long time.
Publicity is one of biggest
part of our job.
You will go away?
I have to go someday.
If I stop you?
Then nobody will be
happier than me.
But I am not thinking
of going now.
How can I go without solving
the problem here?
Now will you tell me please?
- What?
How much of money
Do you require?
What happened? How much?
Five thousand.
Expenses exceed than
our calculation.
If I bring that money, don't
ask any question on it.
If you stop me I will
certainly not.
But you can't give your jewelry.
When I said money, l
will give money only.
If I can't repay you that money.
I will not give you money,
thinking that you will repay.
Can't I do this much
for Swadeshi?
I am worried Mukhi.
- Why?
I think I will become
a burden to you.
But there is no other way out.
You would understand
if I would make you.
Need not say anything.
I want to know just one thing.
- What is it?
If I give you the money, hope
you will not leave this place.
Do I want to leave