
They are asking to do Swadeshi.
To join with them
in the movement.

They approach sweetly,
they insist.

They torture too.
Anyhow they want to enlist
you in their team.

But brothers, don't
listen to them.

Remember they don't
want our betterment.

Hindus never wanted
our well being.

Whatever they say is not for the
benefit of our community.

They never want our well being.
They want to keep the Muslims
under the feet of the Hindus.

This is their only objective.
You have to always
remember one thing.

By the grace of Allah, you are
the majority in Bangladesh.

You are the farmers.
The wealth of the country..
..comes from
agricultural field only.

That's enough.
Hindus have become rich
from your earnings.

The money that you earn
through your hard work.

Hindus became rich by pulling
that money tactfully.

This is practically your money.
Hindus have no right over it.
That is why I am requesting you.
Brothers do not listen
to the Hindus.

Don't join with the
Hindu's movement.

Swadeshi is not for you.
You are the elite and leader
class of Hindus in Sukhsayar.

I have called you to tell
you only one thing.

You are intelligent.
You have analytical senses.
You will understand if
I explain you properly.

I have that faith.
I just want to say that we
can have our own religion.
