Can you do me a favour?
Yes, tell me.
- You have go to Kolkata.
Go by the morning train
and come back by evening.
I have kept the money
for the ticket in the box.
What box is this sister?
- My jewel box.
I need fifty thousand rupees.
Sell the jewels and get me money.
I don't need the jewel.
I' ll get you the cash.
You' ll get me? How will
you get so much money?
I can get sister.
- Sorry you do as I say.
Why did you give Sandip
five thousand rupees?
He told me that he needs
five thousand rupees.
No sister. According
to my calculations..
..he will need only
three thousand five hundred.
You give him more
he will spend it all.
He is a spendthrift.
He travels only first class.
Sandip? - Yes he says that people..
..who work for the nation
never have to remain poor.
Ok. When I have given him
I will not take it back.
He might need it in the future.
You get me the money I asked for.
You keep the jewels. I' ll get
you the money by tonight.
From where? - From Kachari
Are you mad? There is
tight security there.
I have weapon sister.
Oh god.
Why are you bothered?
We keep needing money for
the national movement.
Doesn't it bother you
snatch money like this.
Why? The money that is mine to
day, is my son's tomorrow..
..and then goes to
the money lender.
What is wrong if I use the money..
..for the national movement?
Forget all that.
IU will die out of fear.
You might not need all the jewels.
Sell as much as is required
and bring back the rest.
You take this. Carry it safely.
Be careful my dear brother.
Ok sister.
I' ll take leave. - Ok.